martes, 22 de julio de 2014


Roberto Cortez Martínez fue denunciado por vecinos del fraccionamiento Hacienda Las Delicias segunda sección

Tijuana, B. C., 22 de Julio de 2014.  Roberto Cortez Martínez, capturado por oficiales de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Municipal (SSPM) por posesión de cinco dosis de cristal, es señalado como autor de un crimen ocurrido el 16 del corriente, en la segunda sección del fraccionamiento Hacienda Las Delicias.
Municipales del distrito Los Pinos asignados al Operativo Tijuana lo aseguraron al filo de las 22:00 horas de ayer, tras de recibir reporte acerca de una persona rijosa que merodeaba por privada San Jorge y avenida Zircón.

Con la media filiación del sospechoso detuvieron a Cortez Martínez y le decomisaron cinco envoltorios de substancia blanca y granulada, parecida al cristal.
En ese momento una mujer informó a los oficiales que el 16 del corriente Roberto hirió con armas punzocortantes a su sobrino Miguel Zacarías Sánchez, quien horas después expiró en la Cruz Roja.
Roberto Cortez Martínez, quien también se hace llamar Giovanni Bladimir Santos López, apodado “El Chiapaneco”, de 39 años de edad, fue remitido al Ministerio Público del orden común.
En otras acciones, oficiales de la Policía Municipal incautaron 16 “globos” a Miguel Molina Gutiérrez, Martín Julián López Félix y Víctor Manuel Morales Escobedo, supuestos vendedores al menudeo.  
En este correo recibimos reportes, denuncias y quejas para mejorar nuestro servicio a la comunidad tijuanense.

1 comentario:

  1. My brother Michael Zacarias a USA citizen decided to move to Tijuana after being harassed by cops here in Los Angeles CA. Every time he would walk to the store or if he was on his way to work he would get searched and mistreated by officers. It got so bad that he decided to try a different environment.
    With his superior and keen ability as a tattoo artist and handyman skills we had no doubt he would succeed where ever he went. Little would we know Tijuana is not any different than cops here in the United States, several times he was robbed by officers It goes to say corruption has no boundaries. But that didn't stop him, my brother was determine to make a better life for his family in Tijuana. There he donated his free time in building a church, he helped his fellow neighbors, and always motivated the young adults to have healthy lifestyle weather it was the food they ate or in their workout routines. My brother was my hero, he was like a father to me. He was a artist with many talents. I don't know if I'll ever get over the pain of losing a brother and such an extraordinary person like him, I am proud of being his sister. As god is my witness I am going to make sure he gets Justice for his murder.

    **One thing I wanted to clear out
    This individual Roberto Cortez Martinez deported from california is NOT RELATED TO MY FAMILY. He was the neighborhood JUNKIE (drogadicto) were my brother lived. That morning he was drugged and attacked and stabbed my brother for no reason what so over. the COWARD ran Like the chicken head he is. But the imbecile return and was arrested.

    God is good and justice will be served on a cold platter...
